Yvonne Foong -

I wrote these when I could still hear, sing in the school choir, play the piano, the violin, and actively participate in conversations. I was 15 years old when I started blogging and 19 when I met Cordy. This blog contains the innocence that one inevitably lose with age. Like any child, I could not have been more youthful. I was diagnosed with NF2 in July 2002. Click the appropriate links to read the events following my diagnosis. - Yvonne Foong www.yvonnefoong.com

Friday, August 31, 2001

This new bloggie is now runnin'! What should I name it? Wow...MERDEKA! But just for today. :-( Went shopping and now back studyin'(as if) again. Just hope I'll strive with flyin' colors in my coming trials. Ate dinner with Yen, Thanx Buddie! Great... now Mr. Tremayne(again) made a *ruckus*(learnt this from Dave) out of me and Joel 'n' I'm gonna hate that nako head for the rest of my eternal life. Damn....if I could smash anything I could afford onto his head, my choice will be a big 'n' yummy knuckle sandwich.


August 2001   September 2001   October 2001   November 2001   December 2001   January 2002   February 2002   March 2002   April 2002   May 2002   June 2002   July 2002   August 2002   September 2002   October 2002   November 2002   December 2002   January 2003   February 2003   March 2003   April 2003   May 2003   June 2003   July 2003   August 2003   September 2003   October 2003   November 2003   December 2003   January 2004   February 2004   June 2004   July 2004   August 2004   September 2004   October 2004   November 2004   December 2004   January 2005   February 2005   March 2005  

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