Yvonne Foong -

I wrote these when I could still hear, sing in the school choir, play the piano, the violin, and actively participate in conversations. I was 15 years old when I started blogging and 19 when I met Cordy. This blog contains the innocence that one inevitably lose with age. Like any child, I could not have been more youthful. I was diagnosed with NF2 in July 2002. Click the appropriate links to read the events following my diagnosis. - Yvonne Foong www.yvonnefoong.com

Monday, June 28, 2004


A Note of Gratitude

I don't always remember to check my blog stats. And whenever I do, the results are incredibly amazing. I've visitors from over 30 countries including Romania, Russian Federation, Nigeria, Israel, US military, Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia and many more, from all 7 continents.

And now... to give credit to the top 10 most loyal visitors and/or referrers to my blog.. from most to least.

1. David's blog http://blog.davidteoh.com
2. Ai Lin's blog http://ailinchia.blogspot.com
3. Albert's blog http://www.xfresh.com/albert
4. Serah's blog http://www.hakkyou.com/fenix/illuminati
5. K-Chan's blog http://strangefate.fateback.com
6. Aileen's blog http://amane.blogdrive.com
7. Jet's blog http://jet03.blogspot.com
8. Rajan's blog http://www.rajanr.com
9. Edrei's blog http://www.kamigoroshi.com
10.Lionel's blog http://dustyhawk.prayingfor.us

The rest either keep me in the favourites or prefer typing my short url in the address bar.

Thank you everyone for supporting!

Sunday, June 27, 2004


Old Habits Die Hard

I'm SO fed up with movabletype. It's so troublesome when you want to change templates other than the default ones provided. I don't remember which file I edited the last time, and I tried using another template. I've just added salt into a wound! HAAAIH! I guess blogger is still better for an amateur blogger like me. They have a comment function now so there's no need to subscribe for an external one. Sad case is I can't import archives from movabletype to blogger. But nevermindlah, this is a chance for me to start anew. hehehe!


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