Yvonne Foong -
I wrote these when I could still hear, sing in the school choir, play the piano, the violin, and actively participate in conversations. I was 15 years old when I started blogging and 19 when I met Cordy. This blog contains the innocence that one inevitably lose with age. Like any child, I could not have been more youthful. I was diagnosed with NF2 in July 2002. Click the appropriate links to read the events following my diagnosis. - Yvonne Foong www.yvonnefoong.com
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
Kay folks. Here's my dilemma. There are currently two choices of room in my house that I can occupy. Which one should I choose?
Room no.1
- Two windows ( one on each side )
- Two built-in cupboards which makes the room smaller and darker
- Breezy cuz of the extra window
- Currently using
- used to belong to my deceased aunt
- Leaks seldomly due to bad renovation
Room no. 2
- Painted in a brighter color
- Only 1 window
- less breezy- sometimes hot too
- Brighter
- without built-in cupboards- more spacious
- used to be my room
So which should I choose? Personally I would prefer the second one cuz it's brighter and more cozy but it's kinda hot compared to No.1
Which? Which? Hmmm...
Oh yea...we saw Kenrick's family portrait..(duh...it's hung all over his house) which was taken when he was fairly young and...keke!! He does look like the hotel manager that I pictured in that suit and tie. Hehehe!! But he's always mistaken as the bellboy. So we made another joke, he also looks like Dimitry. Anyway Kenrick, it's all a joke so don't skin me alive, yah? I still have a lot more to see in this world.
Monday, April 29, 2002
Exam's over! Muahahaha!! ^^ But accounts was terribleee.. I did not have enough time so I skipped a question. There were 4 questions in total and I only managed to complete 3, well, not totally complete tho'. Harh...I just hope it'll turn up alright. Tasawur Islam starts tomorrow....it's not my favor but since my friends are taking, so might as well join the crowd. But there won't be choir so we're eating at Kenrick's. Muahaha! The food's not my taste either...but...nevermindlah. Oh...gotta go watch tv now.. bye byeZ!
Saturday, April 27, 2002
WeeE! Made several updates to
Mystical Illusion. Okay, not just several but LOTSA updates. You've to see them to know them. I also turned myself into Tohru Honda! Look at my info... I really-really wanna make a Fruits Basket layout some day. I've one Fushigi Yugi one with me but I don't see it any way versatile. Mmmmm...
I did this CG in the afternoon using an online applet at www.totyo.com. It doesn't look nice at all. There was a storm and I was hurrying. Everything was done by mouse and yes, it's my first time so don't you laugh at me!
Friday, April 26, 2002
*ahem* I thought they sell keyboards everywhere?
Fenix. Maybe you can try scouting at the shops in Pyramid. HeHe! I bought mine there and it sux. Using it now and it doesn't feel nice to press on. But don't sweat it, there're plenty of other shops in there. ^_^ Hey you got the Fushubi Yuugi mangas?
I used the wrong guestbook all along! So here's the correct one. Please
sign it, okie? ^_^
Fenix We shall go down town to Kino's and get myself Fruits Basket. *bounces*
Urh...Kenrick's absent from exam today. Hai I did not pay enough attention to him. I supposed he's at Pangkor Island? Ah, that jerk. He really missed Literature exam. That was cool! But 2 hours wasn't really enough. As for History, all was great in the first half of the paper until the Islamic questions. Oh, you know those are....ewh!! But those in the subjective papers were kinda easy tho'. ^^;; It's amazing how people like our class considering its lousy location that you have to walk miles to get up here. Our friends just love to pop by and yack with the four of us. Even all the way from the bottom. But ya noe, not many could stand what Alicia and Kenrick's interested in talking about.
NvM.... oh yea.!! Kenrick's gonna spend me lunch on Tuesday! Hey buddy, we've got Tasawur Islam leh...how about later?
Tuesday, April 23, 2002
History exam was just nice today. Not too easy and not too hard. But science was terrible. Though I know the subjective answers pretty well but I can't really write things down. Teachers these days are not smart and they don't understand self-modified notes-keeping. Oh, I mean, I might have written in a way that teachers don't understand. Baka!
Only 13 people turned up for choir today and the pianist was absent as always. Maybe because of exams, but a number of fifth formers did turn up. Susanna thought us a Malay love song for prize giving day. Yeah, you got me right. "love" song. And I can't cram the tunes into my head yet. Exam fever is still on. Uh.... yea we learnt this song of Gaston in Beauty and The Beast. So Joel sang his part where he had to raise his voice and made it real loud. Immediately, the thunder striked! Kakakaka!!! *ohh...mua stomach* He He Ha Ha
Monday, April 22, 2002
Awhhh...the house two doors away (mua friend's house) is conducting a funeral and the noise can be heard from here. Yo pal, I sure pray for your peace. *may thou grandma-ma be born in a better life* God, it sure reminds me of my grandma and aunts death last year when I had to, erm...*carry the flower and buy the water*. That's what Jackie Chan said in one of his kick-flicks. what you call that in English? Sure reminds me of the sad days.....ouh....*sob*
Yao! WaH!!
Nappy said there are anime VCDs sold at Sungai Wang!~! GaWd! Hey you guys better fork me the Fruits Basket series!!
Oh Gawd maths exam was today and I forgotten to bring some stuffs. But thank goodness, we didn't need 'em. BleeE! Ha! Ha! But you know, the exam was.....FREAKIN' DIFFICULT!^! *sob*X10
Ya noe something stupid happened today. Florencec and I were leaving school and I passed by the guy's toilet. I told her about one incident and pointed towards the toilet. And as we passed by (my hand was still up), Kenneth came out of it and grinned. EeeeEek!!!
Uummm...dats all-lah. Toodles!
Sunday, April 21, 2002
What the heck is wrong with me images ne? Stupid Mystical Illusion. Can't get the gifts and photos right. And no one to crop them for me. Apa le..... doing it myself...
bah Humbug...look I got a new website!
Mystical Illusion is my art collective so you gotta pay it a visit da!! and sign me stupid guestbook-------------- :-Þ
Now I wonder where to get Fruits Basket VCD,or books. ^_^ I'm desperate!!! *choke* bleh.....
Saturday, April 20, 2002
Fenix Thanks! Hah, Now I remember modifying it. Stupid me.
Say, why not help figure out the date alignment too?
Friday, April 19, 2002
Someone, somebody, anybody, HELP ME!!! I'm viewing some sites with gigantic fonts that shouldn't be, including Eternal Fantasies. What's wrong???
Thursday, April 18, 2002
Please allow me, my rudeness, kiosk! But really, I'm so horrified I feel like livetating Kenrick back to Mars with a bazooka raffle. And he sure knows why. But heck, why do I even give a damn? One stupid and blind bachelor ( mind u, NOT Kenrick ) out there who don't even know that you care as much. Who give a damn if you wonder day and night, night and day. You look up at a bright star at night but he is probably looking at the moon 8 hours across the water. Who cares whether you're still counting your eggs or burning in hell fire. C'mon, Doey, you're dominating no one, and have no rights over any mortality. You speak for yourself and just continue counting your eggs! Run Doey! Run! Before they hatch! Cuz the world is NOT in your hands~! Why can't I just be like Fenix and blotter some vulgar words here? Weeks....I say it's been weeks my mailbox, filtered with e-mails from hosts and friends, but HIS! 8 hours across the sea I thought he's dead but the real fact is that he's back in common ground. You get me? And Kenrick's my punching bag. Cuz reminding myself about him doubles my agony. Awh......*sob* *sob*
Hey....why the hell am I so pissed? Like-lah I bothered so much...!!!
I don't feel like blogging
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Tremayne, What did you say to me during recess?
So today, school was all fine but look above, Tremayne kept me guessing again. After school, me, Jia Ling and Melvin sat in the canteen and chatted for about 1 hour before choir began. But we didn't sing today. Instead, we watched some VCDs of the Australian Boys Choir and some choir competitions. They're real good. If only we could sing so nice like them. Joachim gave me back RM10 of surplus because he used the other RM10 for the choir fees. I really don't know whether I should feel weird or laugh. Cuz I never thought of paying the club fees. Not that I don't want to but I was only thinking about the coaching fees all along so I gave him RM80 for a total of 4 months and spent the other RM20. Now I have RM10 in hand, I don't know what to do with it. But nevermind, at least I'm not flat broke. ^^;; Bleeee...!!
Saturday, April 13, 2002
Uh now someone sent me an e-card but it cannot be viewed due to violation.
Why do they call it your "bottom", when it's really in the middle of your body?
Why doesn't the glue in the bottle dry up?
Why do British people never sound British when they sing?
If someone can't see, they're blind and if someone cant hear, they're deaf, so what do you call people who can't smell?
Why is it called a TV set when theres only one?
If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?
What do you say when God sneezes?
Since we see little birdies when we just get knocked out, what do little birdies see when they just get knocked out?? ( oh i hope they dun see us running )
What is a male ladybug called?
Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?
If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bullshit? (ooppss)
How come you can see the stars from the Earth, but you can't see them when your in space?
What ever happened to an E grade? We have A,B,C,D,F but no E.
Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?
What do you call a female daddy long legs?
Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?
Why are they called goose bumps? Do geese get people bumps?
Why dosent a chicken egg taste like chicken?
Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?
Why are boxing rings square?
Why is it called pineapple, when's there neither pine nor apple in it?
Why is it called eggplant, when there's no egg in it?
If you accidently ate your own tongue, what would it taste like?
If Practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
If you try to fail and suceed, what did you just do?
Why is the blackboard green?
Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?
Can blind people see their dreams?
Why do you click on start to exit Microsoft Windows?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
If Wile Coyote had enough money for all that Acme crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?
why is it called lipstick when it always comes off?
Why is the alphabet song and twinkle twinkle little star the same tune?
Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn't usually wear any pants?
If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out her nose?
How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him?
How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?
If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
Cheryl these are real great! I'd like to read 'em more! I'm sorry to read what you feel about your relationship. Sadly to say, it happens quite too often that no one have ever failed to come across it. However, my little advice is, do not indulge yourself too much into a commitment. Cuz,
too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Always have something to keep the other party guessing Besides, there's more of this world that you haven't seen yet. Why the hurry? Ah....send my regards to Sudesh...I had something more to say but I forgot what. *ishhhh....*
Thursday, April 11, 2002
Darkmon took over the world! Ahhhh!!
Tuesday, April 09, 2002
WooT! WooT!
I passed the choir audition!! *yippie* I thought I did bad and never expected to pass. Among the 22 studeents, 4 failed. But Ms. Susanna said that it's subject to change. Gosh, I better keep things up!! We learnt more of the Anastasia today during choir. We also took the choir annual photograph and the weather was precise at that time. Not too much wind and not too much sun. You'll be surprised to know that I stood behind the president considering my 5'1 height. That's cuz the Editorial Board did not really make the effort to arrange us properly. Or did I not take a better look of ourselves? During recess, I ate a packet of nasi lemak fast enough to have loads of extra time to wonder around and we just happened to drop by at Tremayne's in the chemistry lab. He was doing some sort of experiment but the name of it went through my left ear and went out on the other. No doubt, I know nuts about all these. While in class, everything is basically the same. Wei Yan was telling me about Tremayne this, Tremayne that without knowing that our science teacher was standing right behind her listening to every single word she had to say. Kenrick sat beside me during Economics, kicked a ruckus and got scolded by teacher, as always. For Alicia, she still gets all nervous at Kenrick's presence which is pretty obvious and we all know why. Elena cut her hairstyle quite like mine when my hair was short. She looks like me too! As for Florence, we're getting along again pretty well but I still don't like liars. Our topics today was a bit different. From friendships to education, there's no way we can get sick of each other. But for the time being, I better finish up my accounts homework or tomorrow won't be just as normal. Toodles!
Saturday, April 06, 2002
Remember a room in my house is out for rent to college students? Just a moment ago, a family came to look at the room and I really hope they would confirm. You know why? Cuz the brother is so KAWAII!!! And very humble too! I first thought he was a Japanese cuz he speaks like one. EeeeEKkK!! Oh yeah he looks like Richie-Ren! Hehe!! Augh.... Oh yea, they're from China!
Wednesday, April 03, 2002
It's a crime but I stole this from Kyle's blog. Blehhh...!
* Name: Yvonne Foong
* Age: 16
* Nickname: Doey Chan, Doey, erh....Pi Pi!
* Where were you born: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
* Where do you live: Subang Jaya, Malaysia
* Height: 5'1"
* Eye Color: brown
* Hair Color: brown
* Length: shoulder length
* Who are your friends: Plentiful, but the best are from my class. :-Þ
* Style of Clothing: outdated ones....mini skirts!! *cute*
* Piercings: ear
* Tatoos: not a chance
* Car: next year....
* Parents Name: Papa Bear and Mama Bear
* Sister(s): none
* Brother(s): none
* Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none
* Whats your new name: None till I gain my masters
* Who are you married to: That's when I'll get my new name
* Where do you live: Paris(france)! Japan! Anywhere with a moderate climate
* Whats your job: Doctor
* What kinda Car do you drive: Porche? I won't drive. My driver does
* Who are your friends: The same old ones-lah
* Drink: coke
* Alcoholic: I don't drink
* Fruit: strawberries
* Snack Food: Cadbury would do fine
* Pizza: Bring it on!
* Coffee: Yucks! But coffee symbolizes (ya noe). but that's not what I mean. really...
* Chips: nargh...salty and not filling
* Soda: Coke!!
* Fast Food: Genki Sushi
* Potato: fried and dipped with tomatoe sauce plz
* Boy Band: they're usually popular because they're cute. and that sux!
* Female singer: Sammi Cheng? She's sporting and has great voice
* Male Singer: Wang Lee Hom! He's so kawaii!
* Band: some violin trios?
* Song: The One and Only by Wang Lee Hom
* Actress: none in specific
* Actor: Tom Cruise! Nargh....don't know any.
* Chick Flick: What's this?
* Action Flick: Jackie Chan? Haha!
* Comedy: Dislike those 30 minute shows
* Drama: Romeo and Juliet? Bluek!
* Musical: Disney on Ice! Who's with me?
* Store: Toys 'R' Us
* Restaurant: Some Italian Dines
* Juice: Orange
* TV Show: None in specific
* Name Brand: Converse
* TV Station: Cable TV
* Color: Pink & Black & Blue & yellow
* Flower: black rose
* Reality TV show: dunno!! Ok I'm getting pissed
* Animal: Dalmatian Puppies
* Thing to wear: Anything that suits me.
* Sports Entertainer: Michelle Kwan
* Wrestler: don't like 'em
* Place to talk on the phone: bed
* Person to go to the movies with: alicia
* Do you dance naked in the moonlight?: nooo.
* How many times have you been arrested?: z-e-r-o
* Does your snake make great pizza?: If thats what Kyle think it means, go to hell
* What are you wearing right now?: pyjamas
* What is the silliest story you have?: I'm not silly so I don't read silly stories
* Who's smarter, you or your mother?: ME!
* Are you a porn surfer?: I'm so innocent
* What makes you pissed off?: annoying freaks
* Do flying monkeys help you beat the cake batter?: what on earth does this mean?
* If you could be in any music video, what would it be?: I prefer a low profile, thank you
* What is your Pet Peeve?: ignorance and rebellism
* What is your most ticklish spot?: none that I know of
* Do you prefer baths or showers?: shower
* If you could paint a poodle, what color would you paint it?: light blue
* How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?: Is that an ice-cream?
* Who is the slayer?: Some lame people
* What's better, lip gloss, or lip stick?: Lip Stick
* What are you allergic to?: slimmy creatures
* Are you part of the double meat experience?: ....pardon?
* Did your curriosity kill the cat?: always
* Are you normal?: absolutely not. I'm far above normal *grins*
* What do you wish for?: Getting into medical school by chance
* What makes you giggle?: seing "someone" giggle. ^^;;
Monday, April 01, 2002
APRIL'S FOOL! Yep! I played trick on several friends and luckily, I didn't fall into any of my friend's tricks.
Today in class I had this conversation with a friend. She said that X is nicer than Y cuz X would crack jokes and make everyone laugh. On the spot, I thought that maybe she's right. But then I got home and thought...although Y is boring and won't crack jokes to make me laugh, but seing him being happy and laugh brings up the joy in me and I will eventually feel like laughing as well. ^_^ awwww.....
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