Yvonne Foong -
I wrote these when I could still hear, sing in the school choir, play the piano, the violin, and actively participate in conversations. I was 15 years old when I started blogging and 19 when I met Cordy. This blog contains the innocence that one inevitably lose with age. Like any child, I could not have been more youthful. I was diagnosed with NF2 in July 2002. Click the appropriate links to read the events following my diagnosis. - Yvonne Foong www.yvonnefoong.com
Saturday, June 29, 2002
I thought a had a dream last night but it really is out of my mind now...but nevermind about that.
Fenix, glad I actually manage to influence someone, like you!!
I'm such a girl with good influence on people. I've been influencing Alicia turning into lady-like and stalk guys I introd' her to, for the past years ever since I developed a rather close bond with her.
One funny thing today, my mom went for her meditation session somewhere and parked her car at a temple nearby. And when she returned to get her car, the temple was already locked for the day! It was pass 11pm then. So she had to get a free lift from a fellow friend. aHahahaha!! funny things happen every now and then.
ah, I drew a pix of Eriol! Yeee...bleee...cutie cute!! But he's rather fat in it. Very typical chin that's hard to draw. But he looks just as distinguised. ^_^ Goona scan 'em along with the choir pictures.
Kenneth, whoever Jenny is (in your website), but DUCKIE!?!??!?! hahahaha! what a name!! is that a joke or what?
I so so so don't get it!! Why must you people in the ice rink think I like Wei Kin? I DON'TTTT!! Okie I do like him as a friend but not intimately!! I've my two kawaii bishonen Yuki and Eriol to stalk at and I don't need skaters! If you guys think I like him cuz I chose him to coach me, then why didn't I like Nappy and Abby too? Nuts!! I pay them all just the same and I am now for what they taught me, end of story! again....
I don't like Wei Kin!.
*slams door and went to bed*
Friday, June 28, 2002
Fenix and I were talking about Eriol last night before bed and that night, I dreamt of Eriol!! I had it fresh in my memory but it's now erased off completely. damn....
Then later in school, I saw Eriol at the choir meeting! Awh boy awh boy! He's such a bishonen! *screams* some jerks of a cake said that he looks gay but no such of a thing you bunch of dung head~!
Doey's munching bishonen, ay? speaking about 'em, I miss Yuki!! gack and I heard about him in choir. A very sad and tragic news to me. ouh.... hurl me a brake!
EDIT:: Okie now I recall the dream. I went skating at Pyramid Ice and they branded me this free pair of sneakers for being a loyal skater or some sort. Then I entered rink and skated around. Then I came out for them to resurface. After 1/2 hour, I entered again and there were hockey skaters in the rink, cornered in two large groups. I thought they were about to fight or something. There was like a private and strict discussion between them. So I hurriedly got out of the rink and stood outside, only to realise that it was just a hockey match. We were watching them play then suddenly, a guy spoke to me and I turned to my left. It was Eriol!! With that killer smile of his....aww..... ah....I only manage to remember a small portion of the conversation, when I asked him what time did he come.
but it's no big deal cuz I do talk to him in real life so it doesn't make a difference.
Fenix, Nah....nothing really big happened to Yuki.
Thursday, June 27, 2002
ponteng today. Was deeply asleep and dreaming about Yuki...then suddenlyyy...
damn it....who's calling so early?
If I pick it up, it'll show that I'm awake and was alright for school.
and if I don't, my mom will be awake and hurry me to school....
so I walked out of my room and lifted the handset.
Yvonne: Hello?
Izzed: Hello, Eriol here.
Yvonne: Harhhh!?!? (
wait....got choir today meh?)
It turned out that the whole gang (Izzed, Alicia, Elena, Benjamin, Anas, Shakirin & Umair) were VERY early at the Sri KL installation. They wanted to come in, but NO WAY!! I was in my pyjamas and I need a break, yo!! One hour later, Izzed called again and was speaking to my mom, thinking that it was me. Then, they were OUTSIDE my house...I felt like throwing pancakes at their faces, I tell you!
For heaven's sake I was in bed for a reason and you bunch of prefects wanna rid my nest for what? Leave me in peace, will ya?!? uh...but then again I heard funny stories like Elena going into the wrong toilet(gents) and Benjamin crashing his head against the cubicle wall. Ouch!.
And I REALLY have choir tomorrow.....la! la! la!
note to self: Remember to bring yer lyrics this time, Doey! aye^ aye^
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Firstly, I would like to thank Sara for the free pictures. Hehehe!! I'll scan them soon!! Deary me, forgot to bring my lyrics for choir and had to lip-sync. After choir, Sara, Hanizah and I sat at the school gate. These nice girls were so kind to accompany me until my mom came. Heck, I told her to pick me up at 4pm and when I called at 4:30pm. She went, "now ah? ok, I'll come." Then there was this stupid car with a few form 5 students in it who drove and rounded the school for like 4 times while we were there. And they put on the radio very loudly. Hanizah said that she would shout at them "oi! pekak ke?" when she see the for the forth time but she left before they came about again.
Fenix, yeap the morque, the mortuary. *sob* and God bless your friend's server.
Monday, June 24, 2002
Okie...so I'm home! back from the hospital. My mummy, daddy and I went to the hospital to get myself X-rayed. The GP gave me an appointment with the ortopaedic but we were late so another appointment has to be arranged some time later. On the way to the X-ray room, we passed by the...room where they store corpse? and the place was very gloomy, this includes the place where I got X-Rayed. uh.... and the X-Ray will only be available after 2 weeks. That's so long!!! but nvm, I've obtained a memo for school. Kekekeke!!!
K-Chan. that your manga have arrived safe and sound. okay maybe it does not sound but it's safe!!
A girl in my class made a chart to show our seatings and she represented us with celebrities. I'm Gwen Stephanie while Kenrick is Brat Pitt (ha!!ha!!ha!!) and Florence is Jennifer Anderson. *wink*
Saturday, June 22, 2002
Woke up at 9am and cooked eggs for breakfast with the frying pan. Then, came upstairs and swtch on the Hi-Fi to give my horrific voice a warm-up. Elena called to ask me about the sketch practice. But we decided to cancelled it and went somewhere else instead. Elena wanted to play snooker so she invited me along and I accepted. But Elena couldn't get Kenrick on the line and Alicia was unable to join us. Since it wasn't time yet, I logged onto the internet. After replying several e-mails, I browsed through some websites for informations of Yukito Tsukishiro, the soon-to-be feature of this blog. Being satisfied, I logged off and gave Kenrick a call. Coincidently, he had just gotten back from his Taekwando training and was panting over the line. That idiot!...
Doey: would you like to join us to play snooker?
Kenrick: us or YOU?
Doey: us!!
Kenrick: nope, got Pengusaha Muda meeting later bla..bla..bla..
Doey: ok, bye.
I later recalled that all club meetings today were cancelled. haha! Probably because of the soccer fever and that lad wasn't in school to hear about the announcement. muahahaha!!
So, we went to a club that I forgot what and ate lunch, I had speghetti. Then played an hour of snooker and sat at the pub for a little while. At around 5:30pm we headed to Sri Damansara golf club and I played the indoor golf at the sports shop. Hey, golf's not bad! that's if I do it indoors and not under the hot sun. Later, we went to a friend's house and we headed to this restaurant that specialises in porridge for dinner. We ordered a clay of seafood porridge and they had crab brains in it! yucks!!
After eating, we came home. I bathed and started to pluck my eyebrows. Until now, I'm here online...
oh yea...Phoebe still thinks that Kenrick is cute! *faint* and wants his photograph...
Thursday, June 20, 2002
School has been rather boring these past few days. Kenrick joined a tournament and I'm being left alone in class with Florence while Elena and Alicia are not in class most of the time. I'm beginning to get along with the other group of girls and find them pretty nice after all. My mom went to school with me this morning to see my teacher for my report card. I don't know what my teacher said to her but it sure wasn't bad. CooL!!
The big deal is, our teacher changed our seats!! First, she put me sit next to Charis which I don't mind but then she wants to sit with her other friend so I offered to go somewhere else, which was beside Shahidah. So we drew another plan and sent it to teacher. Now, she changed it and put me
right in front of the teacher!!. Hell!, no way I'm seating there and so as anybody else in class. So, she changed and let me sit a table behind with another girl and the front seat is left empty (since we only occupy half of the class' capacity) but
no way!! I was still in a I-see-you,you-see-me position with the teacher. So I blamed it on my vision and now I'm sitting in the opposite isle, which's the outer seat of the second row, in front of Alicia and Elena. Yeay!! While Florence and Kenrick are far far away! *snigger* but then again, I actually prefer to seat near Kenrick rather than the rest cuz they're always not in class to accompany me.
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Fenix,I got some of my fonts from
here. And thanks for The Dog! Is that a pencilcase? the smaller version? *giggle* what happened to the drawing? nice Dancing Swords layout! much better and I like the fonts for the navigation! *glares with admiration*
Oh so since
K-chan and
Fenix and
Cheryl thinks this layout is the best of mine, *sob* *cry* I'll keep it for long.
Cheryl, I read about your trip to Redang, and it's....dunno....should I say good or terrible? Poor
Jiey for being bitten by blue worms. what are they actually? Was it a typo or .... you went down to the boat to snorkle? *laughs* hahaha!! -whoops-
ah....nothing really much today. Just had choir and we were planning for the fund raising concert to be held in school where the Ipoh choirs will be coming down town to join us! yippie!! I can see them again! I miss Jamie!!
-the end-
Sunday, June 16, 2002
Updates! updates! as you can see...I've made some updates!
ah....Doey, you do that
all the time!
So, new Evangelion layout for this...Eternal Fantasies. I never liked Evangelion... but how the layout turned out!
Also updates to Mystical Illusion where I made more than 10 new buttons! You got that? 10! And also a new guestbook with a CCS interface. Sign it! sigggnnnn!!
Fenix, I set eyes on Dancing Swords just now and read through the disclaimer section where it says, version 9, 30
th June 2k2. Geeeezz!! How the hell did you went forth in time? Gawd you betcha tell me! I wanna pry my knight-in-shiny-armour!!
Oh, I tawt Minas Ithil meant Middle Earth. urgh! and I wanted to name that to my site but was held back by Minas Ithil. Now that I know.... should I change my blog name or my Doey Dot Nu name? I still miss your Lenneth Valkfryie layout. It looks nicer, although the pic wasn't yours. You know what? I can actually tell which art is yours. There's a noticable similiarity in all your arts that can't be placed into words. Like a secret identity or something... you don't really draw fat manga. They're all with rather thin and long face.
K-Chan, too can recognise yours. Yer characters look more elderly-like than Fenix's. ah....Doey the busybody. As if I can do better art. No! No! K-Chan, that wasn't an insult! aiyo~~!
-Doey Chan is confirmed nuts, for eating too much nuts-
Say, Doey, weren't you supposed to be in some sick? yea...very much but was glued to the monitor screen once the thought of new layouts popped into my cooking brain. I've been planting butt on this chair for the last 6 hours! So Doey is a slow-poke. Now that I'm done with DDN, the hurt's coming over again. ouh! while some people are actually burrying heads in books for Gerak Gempur SPM. ha! ha! ha! ain't life grant in form 4?
Saturday, June 15, 2002
It's been bugging me for the last two weeks and it's still with me now. I'm pretty certain that it's not pms for I don't go round throwing remarks at people or get angry unneccessarily. It just hurts me 24/7 that I feel like shouting aloud for good but nope, I'll create unwanted attentions.
Everyone has been head-over-heals at someone and so have I. But this particular one comes in a crappy mood that I don't even know what is it all about myself. Alicia told me that this is all wrong but I don't think so. it's not a crime, ofcourse, so there's no biggie about it. But again, I'm so friggin' upset!
I've been such an obvious girl, I know, that everyone can tell my emotions through the look of my face. There's been too many of them who realised me.... too many... and I supposed he knows too... 'ouch!' and it sure hurts a lot this time around
I'm so loosing out!
Fenix, you mean there is actually a touya fanclub in school? *faint* aiyo... I should also make one someday but then I'll be the only member of my club. *screams* ahhhh!!
Friday, June 14, 2002
Serah, only if I have the telephatic ability to hear your calls while being offline. haha! Well, we will have a choir next friday, 1pm at 5 Azam. I didn't say EVERY Friday, did I? ^_^ and nope, nothing is too late. Same goes to all the clubs in school, they welcome you to step foot in at anytime.
Cheryl, K-Chan is a
SHE. Commencing her lessons in August. Right, K-Chan?
Ok, my blog of the day.
School was
JUST fine. There was a rather long assembly in the morning. (well, the word "long" here is a relative term) Nothing really much happened in class, everything and everyone was as usual but this Kenrick went to Trey and crapped some stuff that wasn't my idea. Well, not
anymore .
Tremayne, please excuse my little friend here. He's still young...
Then when the bell rang and it was time to go home, the sky was crying and there was one hell lot of traffic congession out there. While waiting for my mom, I stood outside the teachers' room when Izzed came up to me with his photographs of the Ipoh trip. We were then joined by Elena and another teacher, looking at the pictures. I got him to develope some. *grin* heh heh!
My mummy came after that and I went home in the rain.
-The End-
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Love in the choir!! There's love in the choir!! Say, I'm being bad but hey! expect the unexpected! well...it wasn't really that of an unexpected news but it's good!! cia ee and kok kin. I guessed it! *snigger*
aw...only if u guys know who they are, you'll join my thrill.
K-Chan, what's cable connection? auh...furuba!!~
Fenix, join the choir la... then u'll get to see touya every club meeting we have on fridays. again, he's our pianist.
Cheryl, you're still hanging around with Jiey eh? is there any difference, btw? meet my friend K-chan!. She'll also be at The One Academy doing Illustration, right? and you doing Multimedia.
Speaking of art, how I miss my brushes dearly...gotta work on something, sometime. ^_^
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Ah hahaha!!
Fenix, I see Touya-kun like EVERYDAY. na~na~na~na~na~!! :-Þ hahaha!! (so Doey went nuts, huh?)
Neway, I wanted to get you the pencilcase but then everyone seem to be using it already so I got that instead. I dunno, you can put just about anything in it. Would be too big for coins..
Your requested screenshots ::
x] Normal screen, 800X600
x] Full screen, F11
So, today, I stepped foot into school, bid Elena and Izzed good morning who were looking after the main gate, (Hie!! *Rinnggggg!!*)
Elena: You still have a long way up
Doey: I know!!
Certainly, I DID NOT get a BD, cuz I was ALREADY in school. ^_^
First subject was Literature. Nothing much really happened. Then was Economics, as usual. During recess, I had this little chat with Lisa while eating my fish sausage. (yum!) Our topic was about the stupid edubox and one more thing which I'm keeping to myself. ^_^ Then there was maths and those sitting in front(us) were so sick for our teacher explaining the same old crap over and over again. Then Kenrick came up with a question...
Kenrick: Yvonneeee...why is Joel so quiet around me?
Doey: Oh?! Hmmm...mm...er....well...
Jacqueline: That's cuz Joel's straight and you are crooked. and he's afraid for you might pass him your homosexualism!!
Whole bunch:: Burst into laughter (hahahahaha!!!)
After that was Science when we learnt about the birds and the bees~!^! well not exactly cuz we did that last year. it was about meiosis, sex determination, and attribute inheritation etcera. Lastly was English and we did Grammar, connectors. Consequently~! urh...
bah...i be gone *pufff!*
Serah, I read your reply. Sneak up? Oh so you're ashame of my presence lah? O___o How do you like it, ne? Got that in Ipoh when I was there for a show.
Geez today in class was kinda great ^^ Then we had a computer club meeting ^^ then a history project meeting where we made a fool out of ourselves. ^^ hahaha!!! wish I can treasure all the happy moments into a jar.
Fenix, Dancing Swords non-compatible with mua resolution lar...dats y I prefer I-frames better.
and I've yet to recover my glasses....urgh!!
Alicia and
Elena for the teddie.
and thanks
Felicia for the prezzie which I' won't be opening yet. *ponder*
and erh... nothing else lah. toodles!!
Monday, June 10, 2002
Fenix, Happy Birthday! So, I'll come find you tomorrow for MY birthday prezzie. Muahahaha!! Where's 2 Jaya arh?
K-Chan, You what?!? ah...nevermind. I'll just fork it out myself. Thanks anyway. ^_^
Have nothing to blog, but since it's Fenix's birthday, I'll just leave a note here. I misplaced my glasses and have to squeeze to read online. And it sure hurts...
Sunday, June 09, 2002
I'm Home!
Yea, Doey, who doesn't know? The whole house lives up with your presence.
Muahahaha!! Ofcourse! Ofcourse! I put the hi-fi on full-blast and hit the damn-it keys like old-fashioned typewriters.
8th June
Woke on time at 5am. Bathed, dressed, ate breakfast, and left for school at 5:45am. Was first to arrive at the school gate and the place was pitch dark. I did not get off the car until the next person arrived who was Wendy, I think. Then her friend came, then Melvin, then Joel, then I lost track. The bus was late again, but not as late as the last time. We arrived at Sitiawan about 11:30am and headed straight to the hall for rehersal. There were less performers this time and the stage was also smaller. At 1:30pm, we went for lunch at the Yaohan restaurant and checked-in at the hotel which was right above. I prefer the YMCA better. It has better lighting and it doesn't smell. This hotel was stuffy like it has not been vacant for ages. The toilet does not have any window and was very gloomy, Wei Qi and I bathed with the door open. Scardy Cats but who wouldn't? After checking-in, I had a bath and went to the next building for make-up session. This time, my make-up artist was a man and he made me into a chinese opera singer. That's how ugly I was. After yacking with Jamie for some time about craps, I went back to my room alone while Wei Qi was over at Kelly's room. I had a little rest on my bed until the room phone rang and woke me up. It was an anonymous call of a male voice. I put down the handset after no other reply was made to my "hello" other than laughter. After a few minutes, the phone rang again and the same thing happened. My first suspect was Izzed so I went over and knocked on their door, which was just next to mine, but they both(Melvin and Izzed) were still at the next building. In fact, all the guys were still at the next building. Afraid that the phone might ring again, I went over to Kelly's room. We all stayed there until 6:30pm and went over to the hall to perform. After the show we had a short photography session with the Ipoh people. Then, we were brought to a restaurant where the adult choirs, casts and the production team had supper together. The food there was great, especially the chicken that everyone was fighting for. After food, we were being amuzed by Chi Yung's hilarious imitation of Miss Suzanna's conducting and Roselina's directing. But no one got hurt because Suzanna and Roselina themselves found it funny too. He also made music by touching the mouth of his glass. Then it was time for us to go home. We had a bitter saparation. Neither of us felt like leaving. I surely miss the great laughter of everyone's jokes. We arrived back at the hotel after midnight. Wei Qi and I had a bath, I told her not to wash her hair since it was already time for bed but she did not listen and had to wait for her hair to dry. I was half asleep when Wei Qi decided she should go over to Kelly's room. Although I needed company badly, but it wasn't fair if Wei Qi were to sit there and accompany me to sleep. So then, she went over to the other room. I was tossing around on my own bed, uncomfortable to the loneliness and gloominess of the room. I was very worried that the phone ring again, and indeed, it rang and I picked it up. This time, it was a female and a different prank. It was she who cut off the line then. Without much hessitation, I wore my jacket and hurried over to Kelly's room. That night, Wei Qi and I slept at their room and only returned in the morning to do our packing. Why doesn't it ring when Wei Qi's with me? But it couldn't be Wei Qi, she's so nice! Although it sounded like her...
9th June
Woke up at 7:45am. Shifted back to our own room and went downstairs for breakfast. Packed up and left Sitiawan at 9:30am after another photo-shoot. Dropped by at Bidoh and bought home some delicious chinese delicacies. Arrived back in school at 1:30pm and I'm glad to be home now. Phew!!
Hey, Marianne's e-mail is not working! My mail to her was bounced.
Oh heck, the radio just can't stop playing Jordan Chan's new song...
Friday, June 07, 2002
Florence's birthday and they're celebrating at her place now. But I chose not to join the fun. I'm in need of some hibernating and recharge my strength for tomorrow's trip to Sitiawan, will be back on Sunday.
Today in school, was really great for me. I've been missing my dear friends for 2 whole weeks and I'm finally meeting them back again. As always, Alicia and Elena were being called out so left me, Florence and Kenrick in class. I enjoyed most talking to Kenrick, probably because he's all ears on everything that I say and would give the slightest grin even if he doesn't get my point. Seriously, there's no where else that I can get more attention from, that includes the choir. *sob*
Florence's mom came to school in the morning and the moment she showed herself at the classroom, Kenrick went, "wow! cool man! check that out!" and kept on gazing at Florence's mom. I was really disgusted with him and went throwing remarks. Pn. Cheam was with us and she called it a,
norm in all males. So here goes again Serah, all guys are perverts.
I did not do any input during recess, rushing to finish my accounts homework when Tremayne came filling the day's issue with computers. But I wasn't really concentrating and only heard about less than half of what he had to say. computers? lab? edubox? proposal? 100K? what?
Trey, what did you say again?
Fenix, Thank you for the wish! I can't wait to see what you've drawn fer me!!
K-Chan, cavegirl don't speak Japanese, does that mean Happy Birthday?
Thursday, June 06, 2002
"Happy Birthday to me, I wasn't born on the tree..." Yes, yesterday
was my birthday. Nothing really much... I got back from Ipoh yesterday at 4pm and was pretty exhausted. I only manage to come online today with a bunch of birthday wishes bombarding my ICQ. Sincere thanks to Swee Hong for the lovely birthday card, Aaron and another fella in form 3 for the E-card, Tremayne for the birthday wish, others not mentioned
(since they won't be reading this) and also a few other prezzies that I'll receive when I return to school. Sadly but true, people in the choir didn't know it was my birthday...*sob*
Okay so let me go on ranting about my Ipoh trip from day-one till my birthday, okie?
!st June
Izzed called up at 12am and we chatted till 2am when I decided that we should rest. After 4 hours of sleep, Izzed called me up again. This time, it was pass 6am and everyone except me and Esther, were already in school. We were supposed to leave by 6am but the stupid bus did not come till 7:30am. The bus ride went through fine, but the driver was really slow we only reached Ipoh at noon, just in time for lunch. The bus sent us straight to City Ballet after food and that was where we met the other adult choirs including those from the Tarcisian Convent. There was a short 2 hours practise and we went for lunch at the YMCA. After lunch, we were given our room keys and was told to check-in. We were in a lot of trouble, being in the wrong building, going up and down staircases. Clumzy me and my junk of luggage, I stepped the wrong foot and I went tumbling down like Jack & Jill who went up the hill. Joel, who was very nice of him, saw me falling from the other end of the stairs, crouched down on his legs and knees to stop me from crashing against the wall. (awww....) *thankie* he also helped me with the load to my room. "room service" he called it but there was no form of any tip though. The rooms were in much better condition than I expected. It was like a 1-2* hotel. With twin beds, (some have 3), tv set, dressing table, shoe rack, carpetted, and room service. Very different from the National Sports Institute and the Penang Sports Institute. After checking-in, we went to the hall, also located in the YMCA for another practise until 6:30pm. Then, we had dinner at the restaurant in YMCA. We were served in 2, chinese, ten-course-dinner. It also tasted far better than my expectation. After filling up, we bathed and headed to City Ballet again with our costumes. My day ended at 1am.
2nd June
Woke up at 7:30am and practised at the hall until lunch. The rest of the day was to our own. The Subang choir, us, went to visit the turtles, and Ipoh parade. There was not enough sufficient time for us to venture more of Ipoh so we went back to the YMCA for dinner. That night, I had a lot of fun playing cards with Hanizah, Melvin, Esther, Sara and Wei Qi. But the game wasn't for long. We started gossiping about
"love in the choir" For Goodness sake!! I was the last to know!! The entire choir, everyone in 5 Adil and most the school already heard about it but me! Damn! okay so the heroe of the story is Joel and the heroine is ofcourse, Cia Ee. So, I wasn't observing enough. But who would guess? She's such a girl-next-door. But I don't care lah. After all, I thought it was Kok Kin and Cia Ee. Oh, Yvonne, you're such a looser for not being right.Oh yea, Kok Kin's nick is Scrotum-Boy. Haha!!
3rd June
Tiring day... woke up 7:30am. Ate breakfast downstairs and headed off to City Hall (the auditorium room-stage) for full rehersal. Then we went off for lunch at the YMCA restaurant and then the bus took us to the make-up artist branch. It was a great deal seing the choir boys in make-ups. Hehehe!! But Kok Kin was really cheeky. 7 girls were in the room with the artists and everyone was as still as statues when Kok Kin came in, went one round and then "moooooo!". Everyone burst into laughter and the make-ups were smudged. Returned to City Hall at 4pm to have another rehersal with our costumes on this time. That night's show started at 8pm. That show was specially done for the charity homes which funds raised will be donated to. It was hazzardous backstage. There was very limited space compared to our very own Civic hall and the little children were blur throughout the show, some even cried. You see, when the lights go off there at City hall, it means the whole area's entirely black. The adult choir got a piece of cross-lecture after the show which was really heart-shattering. I went out for supper at an ice-cream restaurant with Cia Ee, Sara, Melvin, and Hanizah. The people there were slow-pokes. After a while, we started warming up our voices by going "hungryyyyy...hungryyyyy....hungryyyy" in few different tones like we always do before performing. Still, our ice-cream was not served so we picked up our fork and spoon and started hitting the table "we-want-food!" "we-want-food!". The shopkeeper heard and served us with plain water and cashew nuts. *snigger* Scary aren't we?
4th June
Ate breakfast downstairs and then headed to City Hall for rehersal. Then we went for lunch at KFC and have ourselves make-up on at the Beauty Centre again. This time, the guys were given sideburns and mustach. *snigger* they look macho! Then we return back to City Hall for practise. They realised the bookseller in the Beauty & The Beast is an old man. Instead of a distinguised nerd, Joel had to be an old man.
And really old! I remembered very well, the shock he gave me when we were performing the Tavern scene. On first look, I thought
"okay...there's an old man" then
""but he looks familiar" looks again
""it's Joel!"" Then he started approaching me, knowing that he's coming to pull me in front again, didn't bother talking to him, I look as though I was giving no respect to the old man. Okay so if he does that again in Sitiawan, I'll remember to welcome him and make sure he doesn't topple over. Cuz you see, we'll be going to Sitiawan again on Saturday for the same show. Gosh, Joel does look good being old!! This time, they acknowledged the SMK Subang Jaya at the end of the show and we were proud, cheering like monkeys. Cuz they did not do it for the previous night. That night, we had supper with the Ipoh adult choir at a restaurant. Me, Sara, Esther, Cia Ee and Jamie were on the same table talking about, ofcourse, the old man. Cuz we were very-very-very amuzed with his act!
5th June
Happy Birthday, Doey! But no one knew. We were told to wake up by 8am and leave Ipoh at 9am but the stupid bus did not come till 11am. We had a quick lunch at one of the rest area along the highway and the food there sucked so much even my own cooked food tastes much better. We arrived back in school at 4pm and I came home with grief cuz my uncle in my house died on Sunday and my 10 years old cat was enthanized on Tuesday.
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