I wrote these when I could still hear, sing in the school choir, play the piano, the violin, and actively participate in conversations. I was 15 years old when I started blogging and 19 when I met Cordy. This blog contains the innocence that one inevitably lose with age. Like any child, I could not have been more youthful. I was diagnosed with NF2 in July 2002. Click the appropriate links to read the events following my diagnosis. - Yvonne Foong www.yvonnefoong.com
Happy Bird-Day Tremayne!!
Holy Goat. Even Kenneth Khaw can get 8/10 for heaven's sake!
*and so she yabbers on as she goes to the hospital for admission*
Leaving Yuki behind to be cursed at
*Pinching Ownself*
I fell for a guy who's SO SO DUMB!! IQ = 0! Even Scooby Doo can score more than 40!!
Tis' what happens when u eat too much seafood. Your intelligence drops to ZERO!! #@%$!!! His brain must have got conteminated by accessive salt water from the sea.
CLICK here to take my quiz.
I've come across that thing months ago, sent by Fenix but I just chunked it aside. Was a little confused. Now that I've made a quiz of myself, I wonder when will I be able to come online again, to view the scoreboard results. I'm returning to the hospital tomorrow... and just if you thought,
Trey, I did not set the date. It just happened by coincidence. *chuckle* ^__^
It's bugging me again. That troubled feeling, I just remembered that I'm good for nothing. All I do everyday now is to wake up late in the morning, eat brunch, sit in front of the computer, take naps, computer again, TV, dinner, telephone and sleep. Once in a while I would pop the book open but within a slight while, my head would feel the pain. It has been happening for years and I just end up avoiding books, especially those with typically small fonts. Now that I know it's got to do with my matosis thing, I'm actually afraid of books.
Lisa gave me a classic story book that I tried reading in the hospital. Reading was alright, the fonts were big enough. But I did not understand a single bit!! You know, classic books... but Yvonne!! You can't even understand such English? That's terrible!
Tremayne asked me the other day, "Don't you do your homework?" and only then I realized that I've not been having to do any homework since the last two weeks. Or was it a whole month? Look at that! Everyone has homework to do but me! Why don't I have homeworks to do? Why can't I? All I ask for is to be like any other ordinary school girl who comes home with loads of homework and assignments to do. Isn't that simple? I love school!! (ridiculous as it may seem)
Recalling a few years back when I used to be this hyperactive nut case who runs around chasing ducks. (no, I don't rare ducks. a metaphoric term) be top in class, and gets energetic at almost everything. I skate, I dance, I hike, but what good do these make? Now, I'm just a lazy couch potato burrying myself in front of the PC 24/7 and do nothing other than gaining calories. I can't even walk over to get myself a drink, for heaven's sake!! I used to have the speed of mind, alert and intellectual but now I tend to chicken at everything and be a dreamer!! I take approximately 2-3 seconds to make out answers until it irritates people. Yvonne the blur case!!, they call me. (but heh! heh! I do get an upper hand in that. I don't have to take up responsabilities) But I rather to! I don't want to be a loser! I want my ownself and not this.
Reminds me of the poem, "The school for handicapped children". "I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!" but nobody knows. No one will...no one would actually bother looking at me from the inside. never will...
Ringtone in use: Phantom of The Opera. Also have Fame and Les miserables. BLeeEeE!!!
You see, the problem with Doey is that she always wonder off from her effort to feminity. And I realized that Daisuke wasn't that interesting after all...
EeEeeeeK!! *Strangling ownself* I downloaded a ringtone through my CELLPHONE!! How stupid I was!! The ringtone costs RM0.98/min X prepaid credit RM0.60/min!!! Yeeeeeyeeer!!!! And I lost RM8 for one stupid useless call!!! Thank goodness I realised the mistake and used the house phone to proceed. But still, My dear credit!! Yerh!!
Right, since when did I turn into a super calculative, stingy brat?